Wellness Resources
You can go to our new Health and Guidance site for wonderful content prepared by our Health and Guidance staff. Click Here for Health and Guidance Site
Colour Meditation: Guest blog by Gill Hancock
Would you like an activity to share with your children that will help you all relax, and enjoy being in the moment? If you don’t color, this is a great time to start.
Research shows that just 20 minutes of coloring makes us calmer and more mindful, increases creative thinking, and improves visual attention. Click here for the rest of the article.
Just Breathe: Calming Mind-Body Techniques for Families by Cindy Dickinson, M.Ed.
How many times have you heard this: “Just take a deep breath.”
Deep breathing is just one of a number of simple, fun Mind-Body techniques and activities that can help your child and your whole family stay calm in the face our current challenges. Click here for the rest of the article.
Healthy Habits for Wellbeing is a great reference for things we need to keep in mind during this unusual and uncertain time. There are ways we can take care of ourselves and take care of other people. The NH Department of Education has created a website called NH Learns Remotely (nhlearnsremotely.com). There are resources for Families, Educators, and Administrators. Please follow this link to the document that can be found on the website: Healthy Habits for Well-Being